Friendship & Fellowship
Our passion is for all members of our church to feel valued, make friends, find a place to ask questions and grow in faith. To support that, we hold a variety of events and activities for adults, which take place regularly throughout the year:
House Groups
The best way to grow in your faith is through sharing the journey with a smaller group of friends. Honesty, openness, accountability, prayer - doing Christian life together. That’s what house groups are all about.
Our groups meet weekly for relaxed and informal discussion on various aspects of Christian living. Currently we have groups meeting locally or online at:
Monday at 10am
Monday at 8pm
Tuesday at 8pm
Thursday at 8pm
Coffee Morning
Every Thursday, 9-12 am (term time)
Come along for a chat, meet new people, catch up with friends, find out about other local events or services, or simply enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a homemade cake or two, and take a break from your busy schedule.
All are welcome - no age limits (upper or lower!). There is also a toy/play area available for young children.
Wednesday Welcome
Every Wednesday in term-time, 1-3pm
Lunch and chat followed by an activity. Activities include gentle exercise classes, guest speakers and reflective communion services.
Thursday Social
Occasional Thursdays at 7pm
Thursday Social events are for everyone, and include food and drink to enjoy together. Events may include an activity like Skittles, or a talk given by a guest speaker.
Art Group
Alternate Thursdays, 2-4pm
Open to all who share an interest in painting, with helpful tips for beginners and shared ideas for the more experienced artists.