We will be collecting monetary donations at Harvest this year which this year will be split between Tearfund and Shooting Star Chase.  You can donate via the link below.

We will also be collecting donations of food and groceries for Storehouse, our local food bank in Feltham, at our Sunday services on 27 September and 4 October.  You can also drop off them off at the church building between 10am-1pm on Tuesday 29th September, Wednesday 30th September, and Thursday 1st October.

Storehouse are pleased to accept any non-perishable grocery and household items, but have particularly requested any of the following:

  • Laundry detergent

  • Soup (meat)

  • Sugar

  • Rice (regular-sized packets)

  • Jam

  • Shampoo

They would also welcome:

  • Hot dog sausages

  • Cooking oil

  • Household cleaning products

  • Tinned foods

  • Cooking sauces (e.g. curry or pasta)