During this difficult time when our church building has been closed, we have still been church. We have met virtually for worship, prayer and fellowship, with 25 recorded Home Gathering services and 41 Storytime videos for children. We have sought to love our neighbours by offering practical support to the vulnerable, and care for our family and community in the challenging circumstances we have all found ourselves in. 

The work of our church is reliant on people’s generosity, a generosity that is a hallmark of a lived-out faith and a testament to it. As a church we give in a variety of ways as we are able - with both our time and financial giving. During the pandemic we have not been able to receive the gifts to enable our ministries – our services and community activities – as we usually would.

If you’ve been blessed by our online meetings, services and resources, and are in a position to support us a little more at this financially challenging time, we’d be immensely grateful. You can donate online by clicking below.

Whether or not you’re able to give, thank you for your time, encouragement and partnership, and if there's anything we can do to support you please let us know.